The complete works of hua ching ni
The complete works of hua ching ni

the complete works of hua ching ni

By keeping their minds whole and untouched, the ancient sages evolved profound mental and spiritual abilities.

the complete works of hua ching ni

“Kind prince, there is great power in an integrated and sincere mind. In an oration with a student, Lao Tzu explains how the human mind of the future will deteriorate into fragmentation, specifically noting that the intellectual element of the mind will take over. I came across a passage from Lao Tzu’s the Hua Hu Ching, in which the venerable Lao Tzu seems to speak directly to us today in this time of great crisis. By carefully observing the patterns in life, the sages and wisdom keepers of generations long gone were able to envision our current predicament. We’re creatures of habit, predictability and pattern, and we love to follow programs.

the complete works of hua ching ni

Humans aren’t as mysterious as we’d like to believe. Over time we have lost our ability to perceive life in its wholeness, and now, in the actual reality of living in a masked, socially distanced, self-isolating world of almost 8 billion people, this truth is unavoidably right in front of our faces. My sense is that we have drifted far from the true nature of life, and have grown dangerously out of balance, divided, and fragmented. It’s collapsing under the weight of its own hubris, and all of the things we thought brought us security and convenience are turning against us. Everything is being challenged, and so much that had been in the shadows forever is being illuminated by truth. The lessons of 2020 just keep rolling in.

The complete works of hua ching ni